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(NAPSI)—At the beginning of the coronavirus quarantines you likely heard about and even experienced shortages of popular paper products, such as toilet paper and paper towels. But did you know recycling can help with these shortages? If you’ve never thought about it, you aren’t alone. New re…
(StatePoint) If your effort to reduce your personal plastic use has fallen by the wayside in recent months, you’re not alone -- reusable bags and containers have gotten a bad rap during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, a new report shows that they can be a safe, effective way to tackle the gl…
(BPT) - Summer may look different this year, but you can get family or a small group of friends outside for a BBQ, even while social distancing. Not only does the food taste better on the barbecue, but getting outside is also the perfect way to relieve your cabin fever.
(NAPSI)—Hurricane season officially runs through November, and while no one can predict what lies ahead, there are things you can do to prepare. Here, T-Mobile offers eight ways to stay connected.1.Make a disaster kit: Include things such as batteries, snacks, water, a first aid kit, a flash…
(NAPSI)—As the summer months wind down, many will continue to flock outdoors and enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and fishing. What you may not realize is that despite the weather cooling off, ticks are still very prevalent outdoors.It is important to check for ticks after spen…
(StatePoint) Each American throws out about 4.5 pounds of trash per day, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. By incorporating the “Three Rs” (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) into routines, you can help divert some of this waste away from landfills to help protect the environment.
(NewsUSA) - Wind power can be a breath of fresh air for many communities in the form of creating jobs and lowering energy costs.
(BPT) - There's nothing better than grabbing a bottle of cold, refreshing water to quench your thirst. While its convenience can't be argued, bottled water isn't often considered a sustainable choice. But the industry is changing and one company is spearheading multiple initiatives to ensure…
(BPT) - Did you know that clean energy benefits the environment and your wallet? Learn more about the seven steps of solar power and how to save real money with solar.
(BPT) - Beachgoers are heading to the ocean after months of being cooped up due to the health crisis. However, the climate crisis could forever alter future beach treks.
(BPT) - With all its many styles, variations and forms, the martini continues to be a mainstay among Americans. In fact, the wildly popular martini is the second best-selling cocktail nationwide, according to Nielsen.
(NAPSI)—The preparations you make now, ahead of storms, floods or hurricanes, can help you recover faster and stay safe during cleanup. The Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI), an international trade association representing manufacturers and suppliers of power equipment, small engines …
(NAPSI)—According to Darrell Smith, executive director of the International Window Film Association, window film makes a lot of sense for homeowners eager to save money on their energy bills. “Solar-control films can block as much as 80 percent of the solar heat coming through glass into a b…
(NAPSI)—Many Americans may be surprised to learn that almost half their utility bill goes toward heating and cooling their home. Fortunately, the U.S. EPA’s ENERGY STAR Program offers resources to help you beat the heat—all while saving a, saving money and protecting the climate. Here’s how:…
(NAPSI)—Cleaner air can improve public health, maybe even save lives. Fortunately, renewable energy resources—wind, sun, hydropower and the like—are now producing more electricity than coal. That’s where innovative energy storage solutions come in. They help create a cleaner world, encouragi…
(NAPSI)—Scientific information can ease the fears of many people concerned about the arrival of the Asian giant hornet in the United States. What do we know? Hornets are found in many parts of the world and play a vital role in the balance of natural ecosystems through pollination, biodivers…
(StatePoint) Want to go green while practicing social distancing? Here are a few ideas to consider:
(StatePoint) If you’re like many people, you feel good when you are able to toss items into the recycling bin instead of the trash. But a new report suggests that many of those “recyclable” labels on your products may be misleading, and that much of what you believe will be processed and use…
(StatePoint) In our grab-and-go culture, plastic is pervasive at the grocery store. But as more supermarkets worldwide adopt smart strategies for reducing single-use plastic packaging, experts say that these same changes are possible here in the U.S., so long as retailers, companies and indi…
(StatePoint) On average, there has been an astonishing 60 percent decline in the size of populations of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians in just over 40 years, according to the most recent World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Living Planet Report, and the top threat to species is human activity.
(StatePoint) When you see a product labeled “eco-friendly,” or “environmentally sustainable,” it can be tempting to take this at face-value and feel good about your purchase. However, a new report shows that while many major companies are making claims that they are tackling the plastic poll…